Old Buckenham Parish Council

Village and Civil Parish, Norfolk

Your Old Buckenham Parish Council

Old Buckenham Parish Council are a strong team from a great range of backgrounds and ages, all with a keen interest in helping maintain Old Buckenham Village.

A Parish Council is the ‘grass roots’ level of local government, and as such, plays a vital role as a connection between the local community and government authorities. It is non-political and non-sectarian.

The Councillors’ are a team of individual volunteers, from wide and varied backgrounds/age groups who live or work, in and around the Old Buckenham area. We give our time freely to maintain and improve the environment, services, and facilities for the residents of the local community.

Old Buckenham Parish Council holds monthly meetings on the first Thursday of each month at the Village hall Abbey Road, Old Buckenham, NR17 1RH. Residents can view the next agenda on this website and are welcome to attend any meetings.

There are also various sub committees, which perform specific functions throughout the Parish and meet every few months. Currently we have:

  • Speed Watch.
  • Allotments.
  • The Green working Party for Maintenance and Preservation  of the green.
  • Application for to use the Green.
  • Prince Harrys wood.

If you are interested in learning more about the parish council, or would like to get involved with some of its activities, please contact the Clerk. 

Old Buckenham Parish Council Responsibilities:

Latest Agendas & Minutes

*** September 2024 Financial Details

Uploaded: 6/09/2024

*** August 2024 Financial Details

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*** June 2024 Financial Details

Uploaded: 6/09/2024

About Old Buckenham

Old Buckenham is a typical Norfolk village BUT with homes surrounding an unusually large Village Green, one of the largest in the country!

A lot has happened here:

Potted history:

43 AD Romans arrived

62 AD Queen Boudicca arrived and lost, rumor has it the Queen is buried 2 miles away, nearby in Quidenham.

409 AD too cold for Romans so they went home.
Name of the village may be related to tribe called the BUCCINGS and the word HAM, meaning ‘Home’ in Anglo Saxon, giving Buckenham.

1086 AD first written reference on Domesday book for Buckenham.

1146 AD D’Albini Family (arrived with William the Conqueror) moved the castle to a more strategic place, gave the original site to the religious order, the Black Augustinian Canons who established a Priory. Their shield lives on, part of the Old Buckenham sign (Golden Lion).

1263 AD Robert de Tateshale held the Old Buckenham Castle for King Henry III against Earl Simon de Montforts Faction.

1450 AD The Manor was born after various marriages to the Knyvett Family.

1483 AD Sir William Knyvett conspired to overthrow King Richard III, the estate was taken by the crown. Then Richard III showed Clemency.

1485 AD Knyvett Properties restored and the family prospered.

1649 AD Sir Phillip Knyvett due to parliamentary pressure demolished the castle and sold the estate. Their shield lives on, part of the Old Buckenham sign (Black Band and Engrailed border).

1818 AD Largest Windmill in the Country built: 

1860 AD Windmill Owned by Jeremiah James Colman of Colemans mustard, descendent of John Burlingham (local miller) and later in Prince Fredrick Duleep Singh.

1860 AD Our Alms houses built By Robert Cook, who published sheet music in London

1906 AD Prince Fredrick sold the Hall, to Australian Lionel Robinson, who rebuilt it twice and laid a cricket pitch with turf from Australia and persuaded in 1921 the Australian Test team to play a first 11 that he had selected. It rained it was a draw.

1944 to 1945: 453rd Bombardment Group of the United States Army Air Force took up residence in Abbey Road airfield, flew 259 missions over Europe. James Stewart and Walter Matthau were stationed here

1979 AD Village hall opened